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Helpful Tips to Study
How to learn ?
Never omit the lesson or home work assigned, if you do, it is like missing a train that you can never catch afterwards.
Always revise the work done in class and make sure that you have understood everything clearly and thoroughly.
If learning task is assigned memorize it overnight and repeat it in the morning.
Always take down in your Handbook the work that is assigned for the next day.
All home work should be done neatly and the day's work, should always be dated. Each new home work should be done on a fresh page.
Revise all that has been taught in class each day, whether this has been set to be studied or not. Hence the same amount of time should be given to study each evening whether written home work is given or not.
As you grow up, make a daily time-table for yourself for your study (the different subjects in order of difficulty, the most difficult one being the first), for your rest and recreation etc. In this way you will learn to be a person of regular habits, the most valuable asset in later life.
Revise at the end of the week all that was learned during the week.
Do not ask for private tuitions, learn to study independently.
Make the best use of your intellect and memory by doing things yourself.
Ask God to enlighten your intellect and strengthen your will before you begin your study.
Thank Him always after your study.
Make the habit of early to bed and early to rise, for early hours are the best to learn.
Sit down with a light stomach to study, for a heavy stomach induces sleep.