School Information
Information About School (CBSE Format )

1. Name of the school with address - OUR LADY OF FATIMA CONVENT SEC. SCHOOL, OLD D.L.F. COLONY, SECTOR-14 Gurugram, Haryana- 122001
(Strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter or as permitted by board) with pin code no.
(i) E-mail 
(ii) Ph. No. 0124- 4281613
(iii) Fax No. NA 
2. Year of establishment of school - 1957
3. Whether NOC from State/UT or recommendation of Embassy of India obtained? I. NOC No. II. NOC issuing date: 15.02.2019
4. Is the school recognized, if yes by which authority? - DIRECTORATE OF EDUCATION HARYANA
5. Status of Affiliation: CBSE
Permanent/ Regular/ Provisional 
I. Affiliation No. -  530015
II. Affiliation with Board since - 1971
III. Extension of affiliation up to - <2028
6. Name of trust/ Society/ Company registered under - Franciscan Sisters Trust for Education Section 25 of company act, 1956. Period upto Which Registration of Trust/ Society is valid
7. List of member of school Managing Committee with address/ tenure and post held.
S. No. Name Designation
1 Sr. Matilda George Chairperson
2 Sr. Zita Cutinha Manager
3 Sr. Celsa Principal cum Secretary
4 Sr. Arpita Treasure
5 Sr. Daisy Educationist
6 Sr. Selva Rani Member
7 Sr. Liji Peter CBSE Nominee
8 Mrs. Sujata Choudhary CBSE Nominee
9 Sr. Lincy Administrator
10 Sr. Neena Member
11 Mr. Jacob Member
12 Mrs. Praseetha Murukan Teacher's Representative
13 Mrs. Punita Aggarwal Teacher's Representative
14 Mr. Felix Regin Parents Representataive
15 Mr. Rajesh Parents Representataive

8. Name and official address of Manager/ President/ 
Chairman/Correspondent. - Sr. Matilda George, Clara niwas kalu sarai, 
New Delhi- 110016 
(i) E-mail - 
(ii) Ph. No. - 011-26517325 
(iii) Fax. No. - 011-26566375 
9. Details of fee Structure 2024-25: New Admission Student
S. No. Class Fee
1. I to V 14440/- (Quarterly)
2. VI to VIII 15330/- (Quarterly)
3. IX to X 17930/- (Quarterly)
For new admission, one-time admission fee is ₹30,000/-.
10. Mode of Payment of Fee: Through Online

11. Transport facility 
I. Own buses - NA 
II. Buses hired on contract basis - NA 
III. Detail of transport charges - NA 
12. Particulars of teaching staff (to be updated time to time) - Yes
13. Details of salary being paid by the school to teaching staff/non-teaching staff (to be updated time to time)
Designation PGT/TGT/PRT/Counselor/etc. Scale of pay Grade of pay % of DA HRA EPF Contribution
TGT 9300-34800 4600 N/A





14. Mode of payment of salary 
(i) Name of the Bank through which salary is drawing - BANK OF BARODA, GURUGRAM 
(ii) Through single cheque transfer advice - Through Bank 
(iii) Individual cheque 
(iv) Cash- 
15. Name of the Grievance/redressal Officer with E-mail:
Ph. No., Fax No.
Principal Sr. Sherly Celsa Emmanuval OLF, Sector-14, DLF Gurugram
S. No. Name Designation
1. Mrs. Renu Yadav Co-ordinator
2. Ms. Alvi Antony Other Members
3. Mrs. Anupama Harit Other Members
4 Mrs. Manmeet Kaur Other Members
5. Mrs. Sunu John Other Members
17.Section wise enrolment of school for the current session (2024-2025)

I 1 38
II 1 43
III 1 43
IV 1 41
V 5 192
VI 5 205
VII 5 203
VIII 5 199
IX 5 194
X 5 199
18. Academic session period - From April to March
19. Vacation period - From May to June
20. Admission period - Only April